Dactyloscopy is the science of papillary lines. The ridges of these lines on fingers, palms, and soles have been the subject of human observation, study, and contemplation since ancient times. Depressions, elevations, and grooves on the skin are most pronounced on the fingertips. In the British Museum in London, Babylonian tablets with preserved fingerprints, dating back approximately 3000 years, exist. It is assumed that they represented a person’s signature. The ancient palmists associated the lines on the hands with the duration of human life, as the Greek philosopher Aristotle noted. Palmistry is a precursor to dactyloscopy, just as alchemy and astrology precede chemistry and astronomy.
Less known to many, Ivan Vučetić (Arg. Juan Vucetich) developed a ten-finger identification system at the Central Police Office in La Plata and first applied it in practice. His resolution of the Rojas case entered the annals of global criminalistics, and dactyloscopy was officially introduced in Argentina in 1902, followed by other countries (Austria-Hungary 1902, Germany 1903, England 1904, Russia 1907, France 1914).
There are several reasons for fingerprinting – regulating the stay of foreigners, employment with foreign employers, or opening a company. Namely, many countries do not have an established “civil database” of fingerprints, as is generally accepted here, including some EU countries just introducing such a practice.
Stay of third-country nationals
With the entry into force of the new Aliens Act O.G. 133/20, the need arose to take fingerprints on various forms depending on the country of origin from which the person comes.
To regulate the stay of foreigners on the territory of the Republic of Croatia for longer than three months, it is necessary to submit a Certificate of No Criminal Record. Many countries require the submission of undisputed fingerprints on prescribed forms and according to the prescribed procedure. Prints must be submitted within 30 days from the day of taking.
Although the AFIS system of digitized fingerprints is in use, in most cases, cross-border transmission is not possible because approval for the use of the AFIS system is issued within each country and for civilian purposes (unless it concerns arrested persons and official international data exchange). For this reason, if a person is outside the country where they are applying for the issuance of a Certificate of No Criminal Record, the methods established by Ivan Vučetić in 1891 are applied. Today, only ink and pads used for taking fingerprints have been developed. Although some still use traditional ink and stamp pads, this is not acceptable for fingerprinting. In the world, only a few companies produce professional equipment accepted by the FBI, which can be used when taking fingerprints.
With the arrival of many digital nomads to the territory of the Republic of Croatia, mainly citizens of the USA, Canada, and Hong Kong.
Each country has a separate procedure, forms, and unavoidable Apostilles. This can be challenging in another country and the integration process.
Countries like the USA and Canada have many agencies that exclusively collect and process fingerprints for civilian purposes. Besides obtaining a Certificate of No Criminal Record, some of these needs are also for employment. Companies organize fingerprinting for each new employee; in some US states, it is also required to establish companies.
This way, the judicial system of countries is relieved to deal with what they were initially established for – catching perpetrators of various criminal offenses.
In the Republic of Croatia, fingerprinting for private and civil purposes can be done at authorized detective agencies that have educated staff to deal with it.
If you have questions about procedures, ways of obtaining documentation, and fingerprinting, we would like you to schedule an appointment with us through the contacts listed on our website and in the most acceptable way.
For companies and a more significant number of people, as well as immobile individuals, it is possible to organize a visit to the address. Please feel free to contact us for more info.